News & Articles

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V-Dem Institute will take part in the APSA Conference in Philadelphia, September 5-8, 2024. We hope to see many of you there!

We invite applications for one or more post-doctoral researchers in Political Science, to conduct research within the V-Dem Institute research programs.

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The V-Dem project has a global network of around 4000 Country Experts, who provide crucial information via our online surveys. We are now looking to expand our number of Country Experts.

EU democracy assistance is effective in promoting democracy, but in countries that also receive aid from authoritarian donors, support for democracy can decrease. At the same time, citizens are concerned that aid from authoritarian regimes can contribute to corruption and a lack of accountability among local politicians, a dissertation from the University of Gothenburg shows.

It is with our deepest regrets we convey that V-Dem Institute Associate Professor Keith Weghorst passed away in leukemia on March 30th, 2023.Our warmest thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with…

V-Dem Institute and the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg currently invite applications for two positions; one Post Doc, and one Data Manager.