News & Articles
APSA2024 conference_image

The American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting & Exhibition will take place in Philadelphia, September 5-8, 2024. The conference theme is "Democracy: Retrenchment, Renovation, & Reimagination". V-Dem Institute will take part, together with Demscore. We hope to see many of you there!

Welcome to the Booth Reception

V-Dem Institute will share a booth with or fellow University of Gothenburg research institutes Governance and Local Development - GLD, and Quality of Government Institute - QoG.

We extend our invitation to come meet all of us, and Demscore at our common Booth Reception on Friday, September 6, at 4:30 pm. Booth 408.

You are welcome to stop by ours or Demscore's booth (510) at any time during the conference.

Panels and Papers

The papers below are using V-Dem data and / or are written by V-Dem research asssociates and V-Dem Institute staff. For abstracts and schedule, click the links to the APSA program.

Thursday September 5

Friday September 6

Saturday September 7

Sunday September 8

Other Papers from V-Dem Research Associates and PI's

Other activities