Varieties of Indoctrination
The Varieties of Indoctrination (V-Indoc) dataset presents novel indices and indicators on the politicization of education and the media around the world.
The Varieties of Indoctrination (V-Indoc) dataset is a global dataset on the politicization of education and the media, which is created using the V-Dem infrastructure and draws on the information provided by 760 country experts.
The dataset offers unrivaled coverage of 160 countries from 1945-2021, and presents 13 indices and 27 indicators on indoctrination efforts in education and the media that cover topics such as:
- Indoctrination potential and content
- Patriotism in education and the media
- Centralization of the education system
- Politicization of the curriculum
- Control over teachers
- State influence over the media.
The data should facilitate richer and more expansive empirical examinations of the causes and consequences of indoctrination around the world and over time.
Data collection was generously funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant “Democracy under Threat: How Education can Save it” (DEMED) and was led by Professor Anja Neundorf (University of Glasgow) and her team.
To learn more about the V-Indoc dataset, please visit:
Neundorf A, Nazrullaeva E, Northmore-Ball K, Tertytchnaya K, Kim W. Varieties of Indoctrination: The Politicization of Education and the Media around the World. Perspectives on Politics. Published online 2024:1-28. doi:10.1017/S1537592723002967

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Varieties of Indoctrination (V-Indoc): Introducing a Global Dataset on the Politicization of Education and the Media