Journal Articles

Peer-reviewed publications by the V-Dem Team

  • Lott L., Spannagel J. "Quality Assessment of the Academic Freedom Index: Strengths, Weaknesses, and How Best to Use It." Perspectives on Politics. Published online 2025:1-23. doi:10.1017/S1537592724001968 Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 142.
  • Nord, M., Angiolillo, F., Lundstedt, M., Wiebrecht, F., & Lindberg, S. I. (2025). "When autocratization is reversed: episodes of U-Turns since 1900". Democratization, 1–24. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 147.
  • Garbe, L., Maerz, S. F., & Freyburg, T. (2025). "Authoritarian collaboration and repression in the digital age: balancing foreign direct investment and control in internet infrastructure". Democratization, 1–24.

  • Edgell A. B., Lachapelle J., Maerz S. F. (2024)."Achieving Transparency, Traceability, and Readability with Human-Coded Data". PS: Political Science & Politics. 2024:1-6. doi:10.1017/S1049096524000714 Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 145.
  • Marquardt, K. L., Pemstein, D., Sanhueza Petrarca, C., Seim, B., Wilson, S. L., Bernhard, M., Coppedge, M., & Lindberg, S. I. (2024). "Experts, coders and crowds: An analysis of substitutability". International Political Science Review, 0(0). Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 53.
  • Wiesner, K., Bien, S., and Wilson, M. C. (2024) “The principal components of electoral regimes: separating autocracies from pseudo-democracies”. R. Soc. Open Sci.11240262
  • Wilson, M., Andersen, D. (2024). “Economic growth, largest-party vote shares, and electoral authoritarianism”. Electoral Studies, 2024:92, 102879.
  • del Río, A., Knutsen, C. H., & Lutscher, P. M. (2024). "Education Policies and Systems Across Modern History: A Global Dataset". Comparative Political Studies, 0(0). Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 138.
  • Mechkova, V., Pemstein, D., Seim, B., & Wilson, Steven. L. (2024). "Measuring online political activity: introducing the digital society project dataset". Journal of Information Technology & Politics (1–17).
  • Sato, Y., & Wiebrecht, F. (2024). "Disinformation and Regime Survival". Political Research Quarterly, 0(0). Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 144.
  • Angiolillo, F., Lundstedt, M., Nord, M., & Lindberg, S. I. (2024). "State of the world 2023: democracy winning and losing at the ballot". Democratization (1–25).
  • Boese-Schlosser, V., Eberhardt, M. (2024) “Democracy Doesn't Always Happen Over Night: Regime Change in Stages and Economic Growth”. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024.
  • Buckley N., Marquardt K. L., Reuter, O.J., Tertytchnaya, K. (2024). “Endogenous Popularity: How Perceptions of Support Affect the Popularity of Authoritarian Regimes”. American Political Science Review. 2024;118(2):1046-1052. doi:10.1017/S0003055423000618 Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 132.
  • Kalemaj, I., Lleshi, S. (2024) “Assessing Success Through Party Label Durability: A Comparative Study of the Democratic Party of Albania and the Homeland Union Of Lithuania”. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs 10 (1):212-32.
  • Knutsen CH, Marquardt KL, Seim B, et al. (2024) "Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic Backsliding". PS: Political Science & Politics. 1(16). doi:10.1017/S104909652300077X Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 140.
  • Gervasoni, C. (2024) "Economic dependence on the state and pro-authority attitudes: evidence from 18 Latin-American countries". Acta Politica. 59(98–123).
  • Kim, W., Bernhard, M. and Hicken, A. (2024) "Party system institutionalization and the durability of competitive authoritarian regimes." European Journal of Political Research. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 129.
  • Knutsen, C.H., & Kolvani, P. (2024). "Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic". World Politics 76(3), 543-593. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 127.
  • Knutsen, C.H., Morgenbesser, L., Wig, T. (2024). "On the move: Autocratic leaders, security, and capital relocations". Political Geography 113: 103154.
  • Lleshi, S., Kalemaj, I. (2024) “Party Organisation, Youth Wings and Political Representation in Contemporary Albania”. Europe-Asia Studies 76 (10): 1551-1573.
  • Wiebrecht, F. (2024). "Corruption, Elite Contestation, and Parliaments: Why Do Legislatures Become Stronger in Authoritarian Regimes?" Political Research Quarterly. 77(1): 255-269.

  • Angiolillo, F. (2023). "Authoritarian Ruling Parties’ Recruitment Dilemma: Evidence from China." Journal of East Asian Studies. 23(3):491-515. doi:10.1017/jea.2023.20
  • Lott, Lars. (2023)."Academic freedom growth and decline episodes". Higher Education, 88, 999–1017.
  • Boese, Vanessa A., & Charles Wilson, M. (2023). "Contestation and participation: Concepts, measurement, and inference". International Area Studies Review. 26(2), 89-106.
  • Wang, Yi-Ting. (2023). “Supporting democracy when other democracies prosper?”, Democratization. 30(7): 1240-1263.
  • Wiebrecht, F. (2023). Corruption, Elite Contestation, and Parliaments: Why Do Legislatures Become Stronger in Authoritarian Regimes? Political Research Quarterly. 77(1): 255-269.
  • Altman, David, Sergio Huertas-Hernández, & Clemente T. Sánchez (2023). "Two paths towards the exceptional extension of national voting rights to non-citizen residents". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 49(10), 2541-2560, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2182713
  • Marquardt K L, Pemstein D. “Estimating latent traits from expert surveys: an analysis of sensitivity to data-generating process”. Political Science Research and Methods. 2023;11(2):384-393. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 83.
  • Mechkova, V., & Edgell, A. B. (2023). "Substantive Representation, Women’s Health, and Regime Type." Comparative Political Studies, 0(0).
  • Maerz, S. F., Edgell, A. B., Wilson, M. C., Hellmeier, S., & Lindberg, S. I. (2023). "Episodes of regime transformation." Journal of Peace Research, 0(0). Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 113.
  • Lott, Lars, Croissant, Aurel, and Trinn, Christoph. (2023). "The Ambivalent Effect of Autocratization on Domestic Terrorism". Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2270479
  • Korell, D., Reinecke, N. & Lott, L. (2023). "Student-led replication studies in comparative politics: new findings by fresh eyes?". Zeitschrift Für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 17, 261–273 (2023).
  • Pelke, Lars. (2023). "Reanalyzing the Link between Democracy and Economic Development". International Area Studies Review, 26 (4), 361-383. 10.1177/22338659231194945
  • Bartels, Larry M., Ursula E Daxecker, Susan D Hyde, Staffan I Lindberg, Irfan Nooruddin. (2023). "The Forum: Global Challenges to Democracy? Perspectives on Democratic Backsliding." International Studies Review, Volume 25, Issue 2, June 2023, viad019,
  • Pelke, Lars. (2023). "Academic Freedom and the Onset of Autocratization". Democratization, 30 (6), 1015-1039. 10.1080/13510347.2023.2207213
  • Spannagel, J., Kinzelbach, K. "The Academic Freedom Index and Its indicators: Introduction to new global time-series V-Dem data". Qual Quant 57, 3969–3989 (2023). Note: previous Users's Working Paper 26.
  • Medzihorsky, Juraj and Staffan I. Lindberg (2023). "Walking the Talk: How to Identify Anti-Pluralist Parties.", Party Politics, April 2023. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 116.
  • Wiebrecht, Felix, Yuko Sato, Marina Nord, Martin Lundstedt, Fabio Angiolillo & Staffan I. Lindberg (2023). “State of the world 2022: defiance in the face of autocratization”, Democratization, April 2023. 10.1080/13510347.2023.2199452
  • Angiolillo, F. (2023). "Introducing the One-Party Membership Dataset: A dataset on party membership in autocracies." Journal of Peace Research, 0(0). April 2023.
  • Hellmeier, S., & Bernhard, M. (2023). "Regime Transformation From Below: Mobilization for Democracy and Autocracy From 1900 to 2021." Comparative Political Studies, 56(12), 1858–1890. Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 128.

  • Hashemi, Layla, Steven Lloyd Wilson, and Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca. (2022). “Investigating the Iranian Twittersphere: Five Hundred Days of Farsi Twitter: An Overview of What Farsi Twitter Looks like, What We Know about It, and Why It Matters.” Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 2
  • Spannagel, Janika, and Katrin Kinzelbach. (2022). “The Academic Freedom Index and Its indicators: Introduction to new global time-series V-Dem data.” Quality & Quantity, 1-21.
  • Vüllers, Johannes and Sebastian Hellmeier. (2022). “Does Counter-Mobilization Contain Right-Wing Populist Movements? Evidence from Germany.” European Journal of Political Research, 61 (1): 21-45.
  • Keremoglu, Eda, Sebastian Hellmeier and Nils B. Weidmann. (2022). “Thin-skinned Leaders: Regime Legitimation, Protest Issues and Repression in Autocracies.” Political Science Research and Methods, 10 (1): 136-152.
  • Ruth‐Lovell, Saskia Pauline, and Sandra Grahn. (2022) “Threat or corrective to democracy? The relationship between populism and different models of democracy.” European Journal of Political Research (Previously V-Dem Working Paper 91).
  • Boese, Vanessa. A. & Wilson, Matthew. C. (2022). “Contestation and Participation: Concepts, Measurement, and Inference.” International Area Studies Review
  • Boese, Vanessa Alexandra, Scott Gates, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, and Havard Strand. (2022). ”Patterns of Democracy over Space and Time.” International Studies Quarterly. 66(3) 1-19. (Previously V-Dem Working Paper 96).
  • Lachapelle, Jean, and Sebastian Hellmeier. (2022). “Pathways to Democracy after Authoritarian Breakdown. Comparative Case Selection and Lessons from the Past.” International Political Science Review. doi: 10.1177/01925121221138408
  • Eggleston, Julia, and Steven Lloyd Wilson. Forthcoming. “Internet Policy in South Korea: Liberal Imperialism and Paradox.” In Handbook of Security and Democracy Eds. Nicholas Seltzer and Steven Wilson.
  • Lundstedt, Martin, and Edgell, Amanda B. (2022). "Electoral management and vote-buying". Electoral Studies, 79, 102521
  • Sato, Yuko, and Moisés Arce. 2022. "Resistance to Populism". Democratization 29(6): 1137-1156.
  • Gerring, John, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Jonas Berge. (2022). ”Does Democracy Matter?” Annual Review Political Science. 25:357-75. 060910
  • Dahlum, S., Knutsen, C.H. and Mechkova, V., (2022). "Women’s political empowerment and economic growth". World Development156, p.105822. (previously V-Dem working paper 93).
  • Povitkina Marina and Jagers C Sverker (2022) "Environmental Commitments in Different Types of Democracies: The Role of Liberal, Social-Liberal, and Deliberative Politics". Global Environmental Change 74, 102523 (previously V-Dem working paper 117).
  • Weghorst, K. (2022). Activist Origins of Political Ambition: Opposition Candidacy in Africa's Electoral Authoritarian Regimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Edgell, Amanda, Michael Coppedge, Carl Henrik Knutsen, and Staffan I. Lindberg (eds.) (2022). "How Democracies Develop and Decline". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Boese, Vanessa A., Martin Lundstedt, Kelly Morrison, Yu ko Sato, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2022). “State of the World 2021: Autocratization Changing Its Nature?”. Democratization Online first, open access: (builds on the Democracy Report 2022)
  • Wilson, Matthew C. Juraj Medzihorsky, Seraphine Maerz, Patrik Lindenfors, Amanda Edgell, Boese, Vanessa, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2022). “Episodes of Liberalization in Autocracies: A New Approach to Quantitatively Studying Democratization”. Political Science Research and Methods, Open access, online first 1-20. https://doi:10.1017/psrm.2022.11 (earlier versions published as V-Dem Working Paper No.97
  • Sato, Y. & Haselswerdt, J. (2022). "Protest and state policy agendas: Marches and gun policy after Parkland". Policy Stud J. 50: 877–895.
  • Gerring, John, Haakon Gjerlow, Carl Henrik Knutsen. (2022). ”Regimes and Industrialization”. World Development, 152. DOI
    Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 99.
  • McMann, Kelly M., Brigitte Seim, Daniel Pemstein, Jan Teorell, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2022). “Assessing Data Quality: An Approach and An Application”. Political Analysis 30(3): 426-449. Open access: (earlier version published as V-Dem Working Paper No.23)

  • Wilson, Steven Lloyd, Staffan Lindberg, and Kjetil Tronvoll. (2021). “The Best and Worst of Times: The Paradox of Social Media and Ethiopian Politics”. FirstMonday 26(10).
  • Sigman, Rachel. (2021). “Which Jobs for Which Boys? Party Finance and the Politics of State Job Distribution in Africa”. Comparative Political Studies 55(3).
  • Hermansen, Gudmund Horn, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård. (2021). “Characterizing and Assessing Temporal Heterogeneity: Introducing a Change Point Framework, with Applications on the Study of Democratization”. Political Analysis 29(4).
    Note: Previous V-Dem Working Paper 93.
  • Gjelow, Haakon, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Tore Wig and Mattew Charles Wilson. (2021). “One Road to Riches? How State Building and Democratization Affect Economic Development”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Note: Previous V-Dem Working Paper 72.
  • Knutsen, Carl Henrik. (2021). “Autocracy and variation in economic development outcomes”. In G Crawford and A-G Abdulai. [Eds.] Handbook on Democracy and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
    Note: Previous V-Dem Working Paper 80.
  • Gerring, John., Carl Henrik Knutsen, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Matthew Maguire, Jan Teorell, and Michael Coppedge. (2021). “Electoral Democracy and Human Development,” Democratization 28:2: 308-332. 
  • Boese, V. A., Gates, S., Knutsen, C. H., Nygård, H. M., & Strand, H. (Forthcoming). “Patterns of Democracy over Space and Time.” International Studies Quarterly.
    Note: Previous Working Paper 96.
  • Wilson, M.C., Medzihorsky, J., Maerz, S.F., Lührmann, A., Lindenfors, P., Edgell, A.B., Boese, V.A. and Lindberg, S.I.. (Forthcoming). “Episodes of Liberalization in Autocracies: A New Approach to Quantitatively Studying Democratization.” Political Science Research and Methods.
    Note: Previous Working Paper 97.
  • Donno, Daniela, Kelly Morrison, Burcu Savun. (2021). “Not All Elections Are Created Equal: Election Quality and Civil Conflict”. The Journal of Politics, 84(1).
  • Altman, David. (2021). ”Adjusting democracy indices to the age of mass migration: voting rights of denizens and expats”. Contemporary Politics, 1-21.
    Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 106.
  • Altman, David and Clemente T. Sanchez. (2021). “Citizens at the Polls Direct Democracy in the World, 2020.” Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 17(2): 27-48.
  • Marquardt, Kyle L. (2021). “Language, Ethnicity, and Separatism: Survey Results from Two Post-Soviet Regions”. British Journal of Political Science, 1-21. DOI:
  • Tannenberg, Marcus. (2021). “The autocratic bias: self-censorship of regime support”. Democratization,
    Note: previous V-Dem Working Paper 49.
  • Gafuri, Adea. (2021). “Can democracy aid improve democracy? The European Union’s democracy assistance 2002–2018”. Democratization, DOI:
  • Bayerlein, Michael, Vanessa A. Boese, Scott Gates, Katrin Kamin and Syed Mansoob Murshed. (2021). "Populism and COVID-19: How Populist Governments (Mis)Handle the Pandemic", Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy. 2(3), 389-428., Online Appendix here.
    Note: Previously V-Dem Working Paper 121.
  • Grahn, Sandra and Anna Luhrmann. (2021). ”Good seed makes a good crop? The relationship between civil society and post-independence democracy levels”. Journal of Civil Society. 17:3-4, 297-322, DOI:
  • Dupont, Nils, Berker Kavasoglu, Anna Lührmann, Ora John Reuter. (2021). “A global perspective on party organizations. Validating the Varieties of Party Identity and Organization Dataset (V-Party)”. Electoral Studies 75. DOI:
    Note: Previously V-Dem Working Paper 124. The Online Supplement and additional material can also be found at
  • Kasuya, Yuko & Kota Mori. (2021). “Re-examining thresholds of continuous democracy measures, Contemporary Politics”. Contemporary Politics. DOI:
    Note: Previously V-Dem Users’ Working Paper 25.
  • Kavasoglu, Berker. (2021). “Opposition party organizational features, ideological orientations, and elite co-optation in electoral autocracies”. Democratization, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2021.1994552
    Note: Previously V-Dem Working Paper 120.
  • McMann, Kelly, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Jan Teorell and Staffan Lindberg. (2021). “Assessing Data Quality: An Approach and An Application”. Political Analysis: 1-24. DOI:
    Note: Previously V-Dem Working Paper 23.
  • Luhrmann, Anna. (2021). “Disrupting the autocratization sequence: towards democratic resilience”. Democratization 28(5): 1017-1039. DOI:
  • Laebens, Melis G., Anna Luhrmann. (2021). “What halts democratic erosion? The changing role of accountability”. Democratization 28(5): 908-928. DOI:
  • Merkel, Wolfgang, Anna Luhrmann. (2021). “Resilience of democracies: responses to illiberal and authoritarian challenges”. Democratization 28(5): 869-884. DOI:
  • Marquardt, Kyle L., Daniel Pemstein. (2021). “Estimating latent traits from expert surveys: an analysis of sensitivity to data-generating process”. Political Science Research and Methods, 1-10. DOI:
  • Knutsen, Carl Henrik. (2021). “A business case for democracy regime type, growth, and growth volatility”Democratization,1-20. DOI:
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 111.
  • Hellmeier, Sebastian, Rowan Cole, Sandra Grahn, Palina Kolvani, Jean Lachapelle, Anna Lührmann, Seraphine F. Maerz, Shreeya Pillai, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2021). “State of the World 2020: Autocratization Turns Viral.” Democratization 28(6): 1053-1074. Open access: (article draws and extends on the Democracy Report 2021).
  • Boese, Vanessa A., Staffan I. Lindberg, Anna Lührmann. (2021). “Waves of autocratization and democratization: a rejoinder”. Democratization. DOI:
  • Keremoglu, Eda, Sebastian Hellmeier, Nils B. Weidmann. 2021. “Thin-skinned leaders: regime legitimation, protest issues, and repression in autocracies”. Political Science Research and Methods, 1-17. DOI:
  • Edgell, Amanda, Vanessa A. Boese, Patrik Lindenfors, Seraphine F. Maerz, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2021). “The Institutional Order of Liberalization.” British Journal of Political Science 1-7. Online first, open access:
    Note: earlier versions published as V-Dem Working Paper No.79.
  • Arrington, Nancy, Lean Bass, Brian Delgado, Adam Glynn, Jeffrey Staton, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2021). “Constitutional Reform and the Gender Diversification of Peak Courts.” American Political Science Review 115(3): 851-868. Open access:
    Note: earlier version published as V-Dem Working Paper No.54.
  • Boese, Vanessa A., Amanda B. Edgell, Sebastian Hellmeier, Seraphine F. Maerz, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2021). “How democracies prevail: Democratic resilience as a two-stage process.” Democratization 28(5): 885-907. Open access:
    Note: earlier version published as V-Dem Working Paper No.101.
  • McMann, Kelly M., Brigitte Seim, Daniel Pemstein, Jan Teorell, and Staffan I. Lindberg. forthcoming (2021). “Assessing Data Quality: An Approach and An Application.” Political Analysis.
    Note: earlier version published as V-Dem Working Paper No.23.
  • McMann, Kelly M. Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Matthew Maquire, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2021). “Explaining Subnational Regime Variation: Country-Level Factors.” Comparative Politics 53(4): 637-685.
    Note: earlier version published as V-Dem Working Paper Series No.28
  • Boese, Vanessa, Amanda Edgell, Patrik Lindenfors, Anna Lührmann, Seraphine Maerz, Juraj Medzihorsky, and Staffan I. Lindberg. forthcoming. “Episodes of Liberalization in Autocracies: A New Approach to Quantitatively Studying Democratization.” Political Science Research and Methods.
    Note: earlier versions published as V-Dem Working Paper No.97.
  • Vuellers, Johannes, Sebastian Hellmeier. (2021). “Does counter‐mobilization contain right‐wing populist movements? Evidence from Germany”. European Journal of Political Research.
  • Kavasoglu, Berker. (2021). “Autocratic ruling parties during regime transitions: Investigating the democratizing effect of strong ruling parties”. Party Politics, 1-12.
  • Mechkova, Valeriya, Steven L. Wilson. (2021). “Norms and rage: Gender and social media in the 2018 U.S. mid-term elections”. Electoral Studies, 69: 1-13.
  • John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Matthew Maguire, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell & Michael Coppedge (2021). “Democracy and human development: issues of conceptualization and measurement,” Democratization, 28:2, 308-332, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2020.1818721
    Note: earlier V-Dem Working Paper 9.
  • Altman David, Federico Royas-de. Galarreta and Franciso Urdinez. (2021). “An interactive model of democratic peace”. Journal of Peace Research 58(3), 384–398.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 61

  • Marquardt, Kyle L. (2020). “How and how much does expert error matter? Implications for quantitative peace research”. Journal of Peace Research, 57(6) 692–700.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 84
  • Szu-Ning Ping, Yi-Ting Wang, Wen-Yang Chang. (2020). “The Effects of China’s Development Projects on Political Accountability”. British Journal of Political Science, 1-20. 10.1017/S0007123420000381
  • Tannenberg, Marcus, Michael Bernhard, Johannes Gerschewski, Anna Luhrmann, Christian von Soest. (2020). “Claiming the right to rule: regime legitimation strategies from 1900 to 2019”. European Political Science Regiew, 1-18.
  • Fjelde, Hanne. Carl Henrik Knutsen, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård. (2020). ” Which Institutions Matter? Reconsidering the Democratic Civil Peace”. International Studies Quarterly: 1-15.
  • Wilson, Steven Lloyd, Charles Wiysonge. (2020). “Social media and vaccine hesitancy”. BMJ Global Health, 5(10). bmjgh-2020-004206
  • Lindenfors, Patrik, Matthew Wilson, and Staffan Lindberg. (2020)."The Matthew Effect in Political Science: Head Start and Key Reforms Important for Democratization". Humanities and Social Science Communications 7(106).
  • Wilson, Matthew C., Carl Henrik Knutsen. (2020). “Geographical Coverage in Political Science Research”. Cambridge University Press: 1-16.
  • Dahlum, Sirianne, Tore Wig. (2020). “Peace Above the Glass Ceiling: The Historical Relationship between Female Political Empowerment and Civil Conflict.International Studies Quarterly, squaa066 00: 1-15.
  • Lachapelle, Jean, Steven Levitsky, lucan A. Way and Adam E. Casey. (2020). “Social Revolution and Authoritarian Durability.” World Politics 1-44.
  • Altman, David. (2020). “Checking Executive Personalism: Collegial Governments and the Level of Democracy.” Swiss Political Science Review
  • Altman, David, Federico Rojas, Francisco Urdinez. (2020). “An Interactive Model of Democratic Peace.” Journal of Peace Research XX(X):1-15.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 61.
  • Bernhard, Michael. (2020). “What do we know about civil society and regime change thirty years after 1989?” East European Politics 36(3): 341-362.
  • Gerring, John, Tore Wig, Wouter Veenendaal, Daniel Weitzel, Jan Teorell, Kyosuke Kikuta. (2020). “Why Monarchy? The Rise and Demise of a Regime Type.” Comparative Political Studies (forthcoming).
  • Lleshi, Sokhol. (2020). “Reconstructing the past in a state-mandated historical memory institute: the case of Albania.” European Politics and Society, 21(3): 277-291.
  • Lindenfors, Patrik, Matthew Wilson, Staffan I. Lindberg. (forthcoming). ”The Matthew Effect in Political Science: Head Start and Key Reforms Important for Democratization”. Palgrave Communications.
  • Steele, A. Carie, Daniel Pemstein, Stephen A. Meserve. (2020). “Democracy promotion and electoral quality: A disaggregated analysis”. Governance: 1-17.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 107.
  • Sebhatu, Abiel, Karl Wennberg, Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Staffan I. Lindberg. (2020). “Explaining the homogeneous diffusion of COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions across heterogeneous countries”. PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Impact Factor 2020: 9.412).
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 104.
  • Lindberg, Staffan I. and Juraj Medzihorsky. (2020). “Data for Politics: Creating an International Research Infrastructure Measuring Democracy”. Cell: Patterns 1(4). Online first
  • Mechkova, Valeriya and Ruth Carlitz. (2020). “Gendered accountability: when and why do women’s policy priorities get implemented?”. European Political Science Review, 1-9.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 88.
  • Gafuri, Adea, Meltem Muftuler-Bac. (2020). ”Caught between stability and democracy in the Western Balkans: a comparative analysis of paths of accession to the European Union”. East European Politics.
  • Popovic, Milos, Erin K. Jenne and Juraj Medzihorsky. (2020). ”Charm Offensive or Offensive Charm? An Analysis of Russian and Chinese Cultural Institutes Abroad”. Europe-Asia Studies: 1-23.
  • Hellmeier, Sebastian. (2020). “How foreign pressure affects mass mobilization in favor of authoritarian regimes”. European Journal of International Relations 00(0): 1-28.
  • Lachapelle, Jean. (2020). “No Easy Way Out: The Effect of Military Coups on State Repression”. The Journal of Politics 82 (4).
  • Kelly McMann, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Matthew Maquire, and Staffan I. Lindberg’s. (2020). “Explaining Subnational Regime Variation: Country-Level Factors”. Comparative Politics, forthcoming. Online 2020, in print 2021.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 28
  • Lührmann, Anna, Kyle Marquardt and Valeriya Mechkova. (2020). ”Constraining Governments: New Indices of Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Accountability”. American Political Science Review 114(3): 811-820.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 46
  • Bernhard, Michael, Amanda Edgell, and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2020. “Institutionalizing Electoral Uncertainty and Authoritarian Regime Survival”. European Journal of Political Research 59(2): 465-482.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 37
  • Maerz, Seraphine, Lührmann, Anna, Sandra Grahn, Sebastian Hellmeier, and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2020. ”State of the World 2019: Autocratization Surges, Resistance Grows”. Feature article, Democratization, 27.
  • Lührmann, Anna and Bryan Rooney. Forthcoming. ”Autocratization by Decree: States of Emergency and Democratic Decline”. Comparative Politics.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 85
  • Cornell, Agnes, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Jan Teorell. (2020). ”Bureaucracy and Growth”. Comparative Political Studies 53(14): 1-37. Available at
  • Grundholm, Alexander Taaning. March (2020). “Taking it personal? Investigating regime personalization as an autocratic survival strategy”. Democratization.
  • Leroi, M. Armand, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou, Staffan I. Lindberg & Patrik Lindenfors. (2020). ”On Revolutions”. Palgrave Communications 6(4): 1-11.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 63.
  • Maerz, F, Seraphine. (2020). “The Many Faces of Authoritarian Persistence: A Set-Theory Perspective on the Survival Strategies of Authoritarian Regimes”. Government and Opposition, 55: 64-87.
  • Hellmeier, Sebastian, Nils B. Weidmann. (2020). “Pulling the Strings? The Strategic Use of Pro-Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes”. Comparative Political Studies 53 (1): 71-108. (first published 24 April 2019).
  • McMann, M. Kelly, Brigitte Seim, Jan Teorell, Staffan I. Lindberg. (2020). “Why Low Levels of Democracy Promote Corruption and High Levels Diminish It”. Political Research Quarterly. (First Published July 17, 2019).
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 43.

  • Knutsen, Carl Henrik, Jan Teorell, Tore Wig, Agnes Cornell, John Gerring, Haakon Gjerlow, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Daniel Ziblatt, Kyle L Marquardt, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim. (2019). “Introducing the Historical Varieties of Democracy Dataset: Political Institutions in the Long 19th Century.Journal of Peace Research 56(3) in 2019:
    Note: Previous V-Dem Working Paper 65.
  • Dahlum, Sirianne, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Tore Wig. (2019). “Who Revolts? Empirically Revisiting the Social Origins of Democracy”. The Journal of Politics 81 (4).
  • Tiago Fernandes, João Cancela, Edalina Rodrigues Sanches, and José Santana-Pereira, Democracy, Institutions and Political Culture: Southern Europe, 1970s-2010s, Lisbon, Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, 2019 (published under FFMS’s peer-reviewed new social sciences collection).
  • Matthew Wilson and Josef Woldense. (2019)Contested or Established? A Comparison of Legislative Powers Across Regimes”. Democratization.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper 82
  • Bernhard, Michael, Allen Hicken, Christopher Reenock, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “Parties, Civil Society, and the Deterrence of Democratic Defection”. Studies in Comparative International Development 55, 1-26
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 4.
  • Djuve, Lunnan. Vilde, Knutsen, Carl Henrik, Wig, Tore. (2019). ”Patterns of Regime Breakdown Since the French Revolution”. Comparative Political Studies 53(6): 923-958.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 69.
  • Marquardt, L. Kyle, Daniel PemsteinBrigitte SeimYi-ting Wang. (2019). “What makes experts reliable? Expert reliability and the estimation of latent traits”. Research and Politics.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 68.
  • Povitkina, Marina, and Ketevan Bolkvadze. Forthcoming. “Fresh Pipes with Dirty Water: How Quality of Government Shapes the Provision of Public Goods in Democracies”. European Journal of Political Research. 
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 62.
  • Sigman, Rachel & Staffan I. Lindberg. Forthcoming. ”Neopatrimonialism and Democracy: An Empirical Investigation of Africa’s Political Regimes”. in Von Doepp, Peter and Gabrielle Lynch (eds.) Handbook of Democratization in Africa, London: Routledge.
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 56.
  • Hummel, Calla, John Gerring, and Thomas Burt. (2019). "Do Political Finance Reforms Reduce Corruption?". The British Journal of Political Science: 1-21.
  • Bernhard, Michael, Amanda B. Edgell, Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “Institutionalising electoral uncertainty and authoritarian regime survival. European Journal of Political Research. (first published 19 September 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 37.
  • Robinson, Darrel, Marcus Tannenberg. (2019). “Self-censorship of regime support in authoritarian states: Evidence from list experiments in China”. Research and Politics. (First Published July 12, 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 66.
  • Maerz, Seraphine. 2019. “Simulating Pluralism: The Language of Democracy in Hegemonic Authoritarianism”. Political Research Exchange. (Published online: 25 Jul 2019)
  • Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Joshua Krusell, Juraj Medzhihorsky, Josefine Pernes, Svend-Erik Saaning, Natalia Stepanova, Jan Teorell, Eitan Tzelgov, Steven L. Wilson, Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “The Methodology of “Varieties of Democracy” (V-Dem)”. Bulletin of Sociological Methodlogy /Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, Volume 143, Issue 1. (First Published July 18, 2019)
  • Wilson, Matthew Charles. (2019). “A Closer Look at the Limits of Consociationalism”. Comparative Political Studies. (first published 16 July 2019)
  • Medzihorsky, Juraj. 2019. “Rethinking the D'Hondt Method”. Political Research Exchange. (published online: 25 Jul 2019)
  • van Ham, Carolien, Staffan Lindberg. (2019). “Reconsidering African Elections”. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. (published online June 2019)
  • Rydén, Oskar, Alexander Zizka, Sverker C. Jagers, Staffan I. Lindberg, Alexandre Antonelli. (2019). “Linking Democracy and Biodiversity Conservation: Empirical Evidence and Research Gaps”. Ambio 49: 419-433.
  • van Ham, Carolien, Holly Ann Garnett. (2019). ”Building Impartial Electoral Management? Institutional Design, Independence and Electoral Integrity”. International Political Science Review. (first published 22 April 2019)
  • Hegre, Håvard, Michael Bernhard, and Jan Teorell. (2019). “Civil Society and the Democratic Peace”. Journal of Conflict Resolution. (first published 30 May 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 64.
  • Lührmann, Anna, Sandra Grahn, Richard Morgan, Shreeya Pillai & Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). ”State of the world 2018: democracy facing global challenges”. Democratization, 26(6): 895-915.
  • Gjerlow, Haakon, Carl Henrik Knutsen. (2019). “Leaders, Private Interests, and Socially Wasteful Projects: Skyscrapers in Democracies and Autocracies”. Political Research Quarterly, 72(2): 504-520. online: 04 April 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 44.
  • Lührmann, Anna, Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “A Third Wave of Autocratization is Here: What is New About It?”. Democratization. (published online: 01 March 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 75; Frank Cass 2019 Award winner (selected 15 April 2020).
  • Teorell, Jan, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “Beyond Democracy-Dictatorship Measures: A New Framework Capturing Executive Bases of Power, 1789-2016”. Perspectives on Politics 17(1):66-84. 2018-03- 21, published online 2019-02-13) V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 5.
  • Lindenfors, Patrik, Joshua Krusell, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). “Sequential Requisites Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Sequential Relationships in Ordinal Data”. Social Science Quarterly. Published: 4 February 2019
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 33.
  • Wilson, Matthew Charles, Josef Woldense. (2019). “Contested or Established? A Comparison of Legislative Powers Across Regimes”. Democratization 26 (4): 585-605. (published online: 21 Jan 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 82.
  • Teorell, Jan, Michael Coppedge, Svend-Erik Skaaning, and Staffan Lindberg. (2019). "Measuring Polyarchy Across the Globe 1900-2017". Studies in Comparative International Development, 54(1): 71-95. (first online 09 July 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 25.
  • Mechkova, Valeriya, Anna Lührmann, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2019). "The Accountability Sequence: From De-jure to De-facto Constraints on Governments". Studies in Comparative International Development 54(1): 40-70. (published: 25 May 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Papers Series No. 58

  • Bizzarro, Fernando, John Gerring, Carl-Henrik Knutsen, Allen Hicken, Michael, Bernhard, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Michael Coppedge, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). “Party Strength and Economic Growth”. World Politics 70(2): 275-320 (published online: 06 March 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 10 Edited. September 2015
  • Lührmann, Anna. (2018). “United Nations’ Electoral Assistance: More than a Fig Leaf?”. International Political Science Review.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 27(2) revised. June 2016
  • McMann, Kelly M. (2018). “Measuring Subnational Democracy: Toward Improved Regime Typologies and Theories of Regime Change”. Democratization, 25(1): 19-37. (published online: 10 April 2017)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 26. March 2016
  • Lindenfors, Patrik, Fredrik Jansson, Yi-ting Wang, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). “Investigating Sequences in Ordinal Data: A New Approach with Adapted Evolutionary Models”. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(3): 449-466. (published online: 05 March 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 18. December 2015
  • Blackwell, Matthew, Adam N. Glynn. (2018). “How to Make Causal Inferences with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data under Selection on Observables”. American Political Science Review. 112(4), 1067-1082.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 67. 2018. FASDEM publication.
  • Wang, Yi-ting, Valeriya Mechkova, and Frida Andersson. (2018).Does Democracy Enhance Health? New Empirical Evidence 1900-2012”. Political Research Quarterly, 72(3): 554-569. (first published 07 September 2018; Issue published: 01 September 2019)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 11. 2015
  • Marquardt, Kyle L., and Daniel Pemstein. (2018). “IRT models for expert-coded panel data”. Political Analysis, 1-26. (Published online 3 September 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 41.
  • Stockemer, Daniel, and Aksel Sundström. (2018). ”Corruption and women in cabinets: Informal barriers to recruitment in the executive”. Governance 32 (1): 83-102.
  • Lührmann, Anna, Valeriya Mechkova, Sirianne Dahlum, Laura Maxwell, Moa Olin, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Rachel Sigman, Matthew C. Wilson & Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). “State of the world 2017: autocratization and exclusion?”. Democratization 25 (8): 1321-1340.
  • Gerring, John, Matthew Maguire, Jillian Jaeger. (2018). “A General Theory of Power Concentration: Demographic Influences on Political Organization”. European Political Science Review.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 29. May 2016. (published online: 01 June 2018)
  • Knutsen, Carl Henrik, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Matthew Maguire, Michael Coppedge, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). “Economic Development and Democracy: An Electoral Connection”. European Journal of Political Research(Impact Factor: 2.891, ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2016: 13/165 Political Science). (published online: 27 April 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 16(2) Revised. June 2016
  • Sigman, Rachel, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). “Democracy for All: Conceptualizing and Measuring Egalitarian Democracy”. Political Science Research and Methods. (published online: 18 April 2018)
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 22. December 2015
  • Lührmann, Anna, Marcus Tannerberg, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2018). "Regimes of the World (RoW): Opening New Avenues for the Comparative Study of Political Regimes". Politics and Governance 6(1): 60-77.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 47. May 2017
  • Lueders, Hans, and Ellen Lust. (2018). “Multiple Measurements, Elusive Agreement, and Unstable Outcomes in the Study of Regime Change”. Journal of Politics 8(2): 736-741.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 52. September 2017
  • Lægreid, Ole Martin, and Marina Povitkina. (2018). “Do Political Institutions Moderate the GDP-CO2 Relationship?”. Ecological Economics 145: 441-450.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 59. December 2017

  • Altman, David. (2017). “The Potential of Direct Democracy: A Global Measure (1900-2014)”. Social Indicators Research 133 (3): 1207–27.
  • Ahlbom, Tove, and Marina Povitkina. (2017). “‘Gimme Shelter’: The Role of Democracy and Institutional Quality in Disaster Preparedness”. Political Research Quarterly 70(4): 833-847.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 35. August 2016
  • Mechkova, Valeriya, Anna Lührmann, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2017). “How Much Democratic Backsliding?”. Journal of Democracy28(4): 162-169.
  • Kerr, Nicholas, and Anna Lührmann. (2017). “Public trust in manipulated elections: The role of election administration and media freedom”. Electoral Studies 50: 50-67.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 36. September 2016
  • Edgell, Amanda B., Valeriya Mechkova, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2017). “When and where do elections matter? A global test of the democratization by elections, 1900-2010”. Democratization 25(3): 422-444.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 8. August 2015
  • van Ham, Carolien, and Brigitte Seim. (2017). “Strong States, Weak Elections? How State Capacity in Authoritarian Regimes Conditions the Democratizing Power of Elections”. International Political Science Review, 39(1): 49-66.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 51. June 2017
  • Bernhard, Michael, Dong-Joon Jung, Eitan Tzelgov, Michael Coppedge, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2017). “Making Embedded Knowledge Transparent: How the V-Dem Dataset Opens New Vistas in Civil Society Research”. Perspectives on Politics15(2): 342-360.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 13. Edited. December 2015
  • Bizzarro, Fernando, and Michael Coppedge. (2017). “Variedades da Democracia no Brasil”. Opinião Pública 23(1): 1-42.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 14. November 2015
  • Bernhard, Michael. (2017). “Introduction: Forum on Democratic Deterioration in Central Europe”. European Politics and Society: 3-13.
  • Wang, Yi-ting, Patrik Lindenfors, Aksel Sundström, Fredrik Jansson, Pamela Paxton, and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2017. “Women's rights in democratic transitions: A global sequence analysis, 1900–2012. European Journal of Political Research 56(4): 735-756.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 12. September 2015
  • Sundström, Aksel, Pamela P. Paxton, Yi-ting Wang, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2017). “Women’s political empowerment: A new global index, 1900-2012”. World Development 94: 321–335.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 19. December 2015
  • Altman, David. (2017). “The Potential of Direct Democracy: A Global Measure (1900-2014)”. Social Indicators Research 133(3): 1207-1227.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 17. December 2015
  • Bernhard, Michael, Ömer Faruk Örsün, and Reşat Bayer. (2017). “Democratization in Conflict Studies: How Conceptualization Affects Operationalization and Testing Outcomes”. International Interactions 43(6): 941-966.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 31. June 2016

  • Knutsen, Carl Henrik, Jørgen Møller, and Svend-Erik Skaaning. (2016). “Going Historical: Measuring Democraticness before the Age of Mass Democracy”. International Political Science Review 37(5): 679-689.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 38. November 2016
  • Lindberg, Staffan I. (2016). “Ordinal Versions of V-Dem’s Indices: When Interval Measures Are Not Useful for Classification, Description, and Sequencing Analysis Purposes”. Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 8(2): 76–111.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 20. December 2015
  • Coppedge, Michael, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, and Jan Teorell. (2016). “Measuring High Level Democratic Principles Using the V-Dem Data”. International Political Science Review 37(5): 580-593.
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 6. May 2015
  • van Ham, Carolien, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2015). “When guardians matter most. Exploring the conditions under which EMB institutional design affects election integrity”. Irish Political Studies 30(4): 454-481.
  • van Ham, Carolien, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2015). “From Sticks to Carrots: Electoral Manipulation in Africa, 1986–2012”. Government and Opposition 50(2): 521-548. Impact Factor 0.875 (2013).
    Note: V-Dem Working Paper No. 3. April 2015
  • Lindberg, Staffan I., Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, and Jan Teorell. (2014). “V-Dem: A New Way to Measure Democracy”. Journal of Democracy 25(3): 159-169. Impact factor 1.353 (5 year average 2008-2012).
  • Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2012). “Variedades de Democracia: Un enfoque histórico, multidimensional y desagregado“. Revista Española de Ciencia Política 30: 97-109. Available at
  • Coppedge, Michael, and John Gerring, with David Altman, Michael Bernhard, Steven Fish, Allen Hicken, Matthew Kroenig, Staffan I. Lindberg, Kelly McMann, Pamela Paxton, Holli A. Semetko, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jeffrey Staton, and Jan Teorell. (2011). “Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New Approach”. Perspectives on Politics 9(2): 247-67.